Wild Tabaiba (Euphorbia regis-jubae)

The wild tabaiba is a succulent shrub

Image - Wikimedia / Frank Vincentz

La Euphorbia regis-jubae It is a small succulent shrub that is rarely for sale, but which I think is interesting to know. It does not exceed two meters in height, and it is a species capable of withstanding drought.

It has yellow and relatively large flowers, something unusual in euphorbiaceae, which are usually very small. This makes be a decorative plant, with a high ornamental value.

Origin and characteristics of Euphorbia regis-jubae

The Euphorbia regis-jubaea is a Canarian shrub

Image - Wikimedia / Frank Vincentz

Our protagonist is a plant native to the Canary Islands, specifically Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. It also grows in Morocco and in the western Sahara. It reaches a height of 2 meters and branches from the base of the branches, a very short distance from the ground. It lacks thorns, but it does contain latex which can cause irritation, redness and / or itching when in contact with the skin. For this reason, when handling it, rubber gloves should be used, so we will have our hands protected.

The flowers are about one centimeter in diameter, yellow, and grouped in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They have bracts, which are modified leaves that fulfill the same function as the petals (to attract pollinators), and they fall off before the fruit finishes maturing. The wild tabaiba blooms from December to May in the Northern Hemisphere.

How do you take care of yourself?

It is a plant that can be used to decorate gardens and terraces. Whether you choose to have it on the ground or in a pot, surely it will look very beautiful since, as we are going to see, it is very easy to care for.

Where to put it?

La Euphorbia regis-jubae it is a succulent that it must be placed outdoors. It is important that it is in an area where it is exposed to sunlight, otherwise its branches would weaken and the leaves would no longer be green and firm.

Also, it must be taken into account that it should not have large plants around that give it shade, nor that it should not remove those that need direct light.

What land do you need?

  • If it will be on the ground, it is necessary that the earth be light. We must avoid planting it in heavy, compact soils, and with poor drainage, since if we do so the roots will die asphyxiated.
  • If it is going to be in a pot, it can be filled with substrate for succulents. Likewise, it is important that the container where it will be has holes in its base.

When to water the Euphorbia regis-jubae?

The flower of the Euphorbia regis-jubae is yellow

Image - Wikimedia / Frank Vincentz

Occasionally. It is only necessary to water when the earth is dry. Usually, It has to be done every 4 or 5 days in summer, and every 10 or 15 days the rest of the year.

But it will depend on the climate and if it is kept in a pot or in the garden, since if for example the climate is dry and it is planted in the ground, it will last more days without water than if it is in a pot.

Does it have to be paid?

It is recommended, yes. Especially if you are going to have it in a pot, since the roots are depleting the nutrients that are in the substrate from the first day. But be careful, you do not have to pay at any time of the year: it will only be done during those months in which the weather is good, with temperatures above 20ºC.

At the end of the summer, when the weather begins to cool, it must be paid as the Euphorbia regis-jubae it will go to sleep. During the fall and winter this plant hardly grows, in fact, the only thing it will do is perform its basic vital functions (breathing and perspiration) to stay alive.

To pay it you can use specific fertilizers for liquid succulents (on sale here). As long as it is used according to the manufacturer's instructions, it will be very useful, as it will allow you to have a correct growth.

When should it be planted in the ground or changed pot?

The Euphorbia regis jubae is a succulent plant

Image - Wikimedia / Frank Vincentz

Since it is a plant that likes heat, we will do it in spring, once the minimum temperature exceeds 20ºC. If we want to plant it in the ground, we will find a sunny area for it, and we will dig a hole deep enough so that it can fit well, without it being high with respect to the ground. Then, we will proceed to plant it filling the hole with soil for succulents (for sale here).

On the contrary, if we are going to change the pot, we will look for one that is about 5 centimeters in diameter and taller than the one it already has, and we will also use substrate for cacti and succulents to plant it.

Do you have pests and / or diseases?

No. Maybe somebody can attack you cochineal, but nothing to worry about. What's more, if you see a plague, you can always remove it with a damp cloth.

What is its resistance to cold?

La Euphorbia regis-jubae withstands frosts down to -6ºC, but it is better not to drop below -2ºC.

And with this we are done. We hope you liked what you have read about this curious shrubby plant.

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