Cactus pots buying guide
What are the best pots for cacti? When we see them in a nursery, or when we receive them after having them ...
What are the best pots for cacti? When we see them in a nursery, or when we receive them after having them ...
Caralluma is a genus of succulent plants that we could well grow in a pot. When they finish growing, just ...
Ceropegia woodii is a plant that often goes unnoticed by fans of succulents. And reasons no ...
Wish to have some hanging succulent plants in pots? Of course, they can be great hooked to a wall, or in the ...
For many, cactus flowers are the most beautiful of all succulents can have, but...
If cacti stand out in something, in addition to their thorns, it is their flowers. They last very little, it is true, ...
Do you want to know how to plant cacti in a pot or in the ground without being damaged? Especially if they have thorns, and these ...
Cacti must be fertilized regularly. Often when we buy one or more small ones, in those…
Echinopsis peruviana is a shrubby cactus with rather thin stems and a nice bluish-green color. But when…
The Mammillaria theresae is a very small cactus, so much so that even if it reaches adulthood you can catch it with a ...
Cacti of the Rebutia genus are small, which is why they can be grown in pots throughout their lives, ...