How is the Aloe vera flower?

Aloe vera flower is yellow

Image - Wikimedia / Wouter Hagens

El Aloe vera It is one of the succulents that we most easily find in gardens and, also, in homes around the world. It has fleshy leaves full of viscous sap with multiple medicinal properties. It is, in fact, one of the favorite plants to treat, for example, dry skin and hair, constipation or even to maintain good dental health.

But the 'problem' (which is not a problem) with being so popular is that it is sometimes confused with other species. Because, when we want to identify it from others, we have to look at the flower of the Aloe vera, because these are of a different color and size than that produced by other aloes.

how is the flower Aloe vera?

The flower of our protagonist is tubular and yellow. It measures approximately 1 centimeter long, and sprouts from a flower stem that reaches a height of between 70 and 100 centimeters., which branches somewhat at its top. Flowers sprout at the end of each stem in great numbers, and they do so in such a way as to take on the appearance of a pipe cleaner.

As they mature and age, the lower ones wither first, and the others gradually wither. If they are pollinated, a task that birds usually do but that some insects such as bees also do, a fruit is formed that is an elongated and dry capsule containing dark brown-brown winged seeds measuring about 6 millimeters.

When does it bloom?

There are some aloes that bloom early, in the spring, or later in the summer. There are even others who, if the winter is warm enough, do so during that season. But when does the Aloe vera?

For usually during the spring. They need mild temperatures to produce them, so depending on the weather conditions, we can enjoy them as soon as the thermometer exceeds a minimum of 10ºC.

How long does it take to bloom Aloe vera?

El Aloe vera It is a fast growing plant begins to bloom after 4 years of age. Its easy cultivation and maintenance mean that it is also easy to get an adult specimen at a reasonable price. For example, I have come to see them for 5-7 euros, although it is true that in some places they make it quite expensive.

But you also have to know that, depending on the care it receives and the climate in the area, it may take more or less to bloom.

How to get it to give flowers?

Aloe vera flower is yellow

If you want you Aloe vera flower as soon as possible, we recommend you take care of it in the following way:

  • Location: it is a plant that needs a lot of natural light to grow, so whenever possible, it should be kept outdoors. If it is not, it will be kept in a room with windows that let in a lot of light.
  • Earth: Requires light, well-drained soils. If you are going to have it in a pot, it is convenient to plant it with soil for cacti and succulents of good quality, like the one of the Flower brand that you can buy here.
  • Irrigation: The Aloe vera it is a succulent that does not have to be watered much; moreover, you only have to do it if the soil is dry. In general, in summer it will be watered once or twice a week, but when it is cold, it will be done once every 15 days or every month, depending on how long it takes to dry.
  • Subscriber: we want it to grow and flourish, so we will have to fertilize it during the spring and summer, using liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents such as this. But yes, if we are going to use it as a medicinal plant, it will be highly recommended to use ecological fertilizers, such as guano.
  • Transplant: you must wait for spring to arrive. Also, you should know that you may need a larger pot if roots are coming out of the holes in it; and new land if it has been with it for more than 3 years.
  • Rusticity: withstands cold, but needs protection against frost if the thermometer reaches -4ºC.

What are the uses of the flower of the Aloe vera?

The flower is pretty and showy, so it only helps us to make the garden or the place where it is look more colorful at least during the flowering season. Now, it is also interesting to attract beneficial insects, such as bees.

Could be used as a cut flower, but I couldn't tell you how many days they last because I've never done it, although taking into account the characteristics of the plant and its resistance to drought, I'm sure it would be several as long as they weren't exposed to the sun.

where to buy a plant Aloe vera?

Do you want to have your own copy? So don't hesitate, click here:

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As you can see, the flower of the Aloe vera it is yellow and of an interesting ornamental value. If you want your plant to flourish with health, do not hesitate to provide it with the care that we have indicated.

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